Blend Travel with Work and Be a Digital Nomad

Blend Travel with Work and Be a Digital Nomad

If you want to see the world, you either have to be rich or have the ability to make money on the move; enter the digital nomad, a new breed of techie that works online, allowing them to travel at will. You are sure to know at least a couple of people who make their living on the web and there are many ways to generate an income via the Internet.

Global marketplaces

We are living in the 21st century and a global hi-speed digital network has been created to empower the entrepreneur, with real-time video calls for a very small cost. If you are selling a product or service, think about markets,

  • Who wants/needs it?
  • What can you bring to the table?
  • Is your product/service marketable on a global basis?
  • Can you generate a profit?

The answers to these and other questions will reveal whether or not the project is doable. Be critical of yourself and there’s nothing wrong in seeking advice; your business idea might seem great but after some research, you find it would be tough to bring the product/service to market for a competitive price. This should be shelved, put on ice until things change; only when you are sure you have a solid business model, should you start investing money in the venture.


This is one of the most popular ways for nomads to fund their travelling; use a known platform such as Metatrader 4 and get the help of a professional set up. Crypto, precious metals and other commodities can be traded in real-time on secure trading platforms – be aware that all forms of trading involve an element of risk, it is your role to minimise that risk.

Travel blogging

Invest in a decent SLR camera and a MacBook Air and you can blog about amazing holiday experiences; only good writers should consider putting in the heavy groundwork in such a competitive sector, there are thousands on content creators. It can be done and the more content your produce, the bigger your portfolio; don’t publish at first, keep a stack of blogs (with images) and send them to travel mags and if they pick it up, you get a payday!


Another way to fund your travels is to set up a shopping cart website and market products; this is not as easy as it sounds, every aspect has to come together and with some heavy digital marketing for the site launch. Start by examining products to see what ticks all the boxes; check out the competition and create a shortlist, which can be narrowed down to one or two product lines. You will need to partner up with a local logistics warehouse to handle order fulfilment, which is an essential aspect of the business.

Why not make a life-changing decision, quit that job you hate and start seeing the world by making a living online.

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