Xu Feng Jia – Positive and Negative Impacts of Scientific Research


Science has always been at the forefront of the development of society. If it were not for scientific researchers around the world, we would have never had the world we live in. Researchers around the globe such as Xu are continuously putting their best efforts to make the world a little better place than it was before. From the early man era to the supercomputer era time has truly changed. In the present times, we do have one of the most sophisticated weapons and equipment that we had never seen before. All these advancements are the result of science and research only. A lot has been achieved till now and there is still more to be conquered. Humans are continuously developing and evolving. Having a mind that can question and reason, is one of the greatest assets, we have, as humans. We have one of the most developed brains out of all the living beings.

Positive Impacts of Science

Science has greatly benefited mankind. We have the best of the best hospitals, computers, and equipment that we had never seen before. The health facilities have been better. Hence, there is a continuous rise in the life expectancy rate of the citizens of various countries. “There is a continuous technological advancement as technology has achieved a level where it is easier to understand and use for everyone with little literacy,” says Jia.

We can communicate with masses in a single go using social media platforms. The operating systems being used in the most sophisticated computers in the world are user-friendly and self-explanatory. We do have more than one app for every day to day activity and the best part of these apps is their user-friendliness.

Health facilities have improved globally. There is a continuous improvement in health care units and hospitals having better equipment. This is why; we have been able to maintain our existence for ages.

Negatives Impacts of Science

Although there is no negative impact of science as it does depend on the user and the way he uses scientific and technological equipment, there are still many reasons to be aware of the potential negative impacts which can bring a lot of problems to the world, if put in the wrong use. This is why; there is always a growing concern among various thinkers of the world of potential wrong use of arms, nuclear weapons and the next world war happening anytime soon. We are living in an intolerant world and any conflict may turn out to be the worst part of human history.

Science and technology have taken over us for the worst. We have the most addictive social media platforms that have made us anything but social. We consume technology from waking up until sleeping. From newspaper reading to dating, everything happens online. We are living in a virtual world where we have access to everything but without filters. This has misled us in more than one way.

Conclusion: Science has always been at the forefront of the development of society. Researchers around the globe are continuously putting their best efforts to make the world a little better place than it was before. Depending on how you use science and technology, there could be many positive and negative impacts on society. As far as positive impacts are concerned, science has greatly benefited mankind. We have the best of the best hospitals, computers, and equipment that we had never seen before. The health facilities have been better. Hence, there is a continuous rise in the life expectancy rate of the citizens of various countries.

Moving on to the negative impacts, science and technology have taken over us for the worst. We have the most addictive social media platforms that have made us anything but social. We consume technology from waking up until sleeping. From newspaper reading to dating, everything happens online. We are living in a virtual world where we have access to everything but without filters, as expressed by Xu Feng Jia, the US-based scientific researcher.

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