12 Ailments a physiotherapists can help with

12 Ailments a physiotherapists can help with

Physical therapy is known for the rehabilitative advantages it provides. Physiotherapy is a brand of healthcare that uses special equipment and exercise regimes to treat tons of medical conditions. It can help a person with mobility, flexibility, strength, quality of life, and physical functions. If you undergo surgery, injure yourself severely, or have musculoskeletal conditions, you need physical therapy. It improves strength and movement.

Other benefits of physical therapy include:

  • It can help with recovery from paralysis, sports injuries, trauma, and stroke.
  • It helps people with chronic medical conditions get better.
  • In a few cases, manual therapy reduces the need for surgery. It can also eliminate pain without the use of medication.

You know the benefits of physical therapy. But to reap the benefits, you need to know what ailments a physiotherapist can treat. Read below to find out.


Lymphedema is a condition in which excess fluids gather in your lymphatic system. It moves around your bloodstream, leading to swelling. Physiotherapists can treat it using complete decongestive therapy. It reduces swelling while also preventing fluid buildup in the future. If you live in Jaipur, India, try the best physiotherapists in Mansarovar for multiple issues.


Are you suffering from osteoporosis? This disease makes bones brittle, prone to fracture, and weak. You can also be in constant pain. Fortunately, physical therapy is beneficial in this regard. It strengthens the bones. It, in turn, helps with movement, function, and strength. It is also helpful in preventing fractures.

Sports injuries

If you are a professional athlete or play any sports, injuries are inevitable. As a separate branch of physical therapy, sports injury specialists help improve flexibility, movement, and stamina. Have you seen cricketers getting treatment on the ground for strained legs or backs? Those people are dedicated sports physical therapists. They offer both long- and short-term treatment options.

Huntington’s disease

The disease causes involuntary and voluntary movements. It leads to spasms, unsteady gait, and slurred speech. In these cases, physical therapy helps with correcting walking posture. It also helps build body control and coordination while preventing falls.

Urinary incontinence

When your pelvic floor is weak, bladder troubles can happen. These include leakage of urine or the frequent urge to go to the bathroom. There are many reasons for a weak pelvic floor. Fortunately, physical therapists provide pelvic floor therapy. It helps strengthen the pelvic floor and hip muscles.

Joint replacement

People who get surgery for joint replacement need physical therapy. Due to the surgery, the body loses the capacity to function normally. However, physical therapy can assist in pain management while improving range of motion and strength.

Ankle sprain

Spraining your ankle is common especially for people into dancing or sports. Physical therapy can help the sprain heal faster.

Headaches and migraines

Debilitating headaches/migraine can lead to severe pain in neck, hand, and shoulder. Physical therapy can help with this too.

Back and neck pain

Having neck and back pain is quite common. It happens due to poor posture, sitting for hours, medical conditions, or age. Relying on painkillers for chronic pain is never a good solution. Instead, turn to physical therapy. It can reduce pain in multiple folds. Thus, you are not as restrictive in your daily activities.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Wrist pain that goes to the fingers, thumb, and even shoulder is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. It can happen for many reasons, like constant writing. Physical therapy uses evidence-based treatments to enhance mobility and flexibility. It also reduces the pain immensely.

Muscular dystrophy

Many medical issues are leading to muscular dystrophy. Even aging causes bones and muscles to weaken or degenerate gradually. A physical therapist diagnoses your condition, triggers, and more. After that, it offers an exercise regime to improve muscle strength and mobility, while minimizing damage.


A low-back problem leads to pain in the leg too. It can be on one side or both. Physical therapy has exercises and techniques to improve the pain. It can also reduce the chances of pain flare-ups again.

As you can see, physical therapy helps with multiple ailments. From a sprain in the leg to chronic neck pain, it is beneficial for all. It is always a good idea to see a physiotherapist for these issues. They offer various treatments focused on improving quality of life.

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