6 Deep Cleaning Errors

6 Deep Cleaning Errors

When you deep clean your home, you could end up making some of the common errors that many people make. We want your deep cleaning to go well, so we’ve put together a few of the more common mistakes to help you avoid making them yourself.

1. Not Cleaning Under the Furniture

If you’re deep cleaning your home, you’re supposed to clean everywhere. However, there are some parts of the home that you might overlook or that you might not want to clean because of all the effort involved in accessing them. One of those areas could be the space under your furniture. That could be under your bed, under dressers and nightstands, and even under your couches. Some of these areas you can reach just by using a long handled cleaning tool. Others will require that you remove the furniture in question to access the area so that you can clean it properly.

Our recommendation is that you move all possible furniture to clean. If you don’t clean everywhere, you’re going to end up with some of the same problems that an untidy home creates even after you have cleaned.

2. Using Low Quality Cleaning Solutions

What are you using to clean with? If you’re using something cheap that doesn’t work very well and isn’t very effective, your cleaning process will be hindered. It will take you longer to clean, and the areas you do clean might not be cleaned thoroughly.

We suggest starting the cleaning process with high quality cleaners. Make certain that what you are using to clean with is effective and will do the job you want it to. Use cleaning agents that cut through grease, kill germs, and make it easy to clean surfaces well.

It might be wise to pay a little extra to get good quality cleaning paraphernalia so that you speed along the cleaning process and so that you clean your home well. If you use low quality brooms, mops, and scrubbing brushes, these can come apart as you are using them. What a disaster! Pay a few dollars more for quality tools that will not fail on you and that make the cleaning process a breeze.

3. Trying to Do It All Yourself

Another mistake that we see many homeowners making is that they try to do even the hardest tasks on their own. If there are some deep cleaning jobs that are too difficult for you, we suggest hiring someone to do the work. You can find affordable maid services in your area and not have to scrub and scrub and wear yourself out trying to deep clean your house.

If you wear yourself down trying to do extremely hard house cleaning tasks, you may not be able to finish the job. If you instead hire someone to do some of those harder jobs, that may benefit you tremendously. They can handle the work that is too difficult for you, and you can get the rest of it done. You’ll be done deep cleaning faster, and your home will be cleaned better.

4. Starting from the Bottom

Have you ever tried to clean the section of your home and realize that you did it in the wrong order and you just made it clean? This happens if you clean from bottom to top. While it may be simple to start at your eye level and clean up from there, it’s actually better to start from the ceiling down to the floor.

That’s because as you clean, you can create a mess below you. What happens is that water or cleaning solution can drip down on the wall, running over areas below you. It makes sense to clean up high and work your way down to the floor. That way, you are not giving yourself extra work and not dirtying the areas you already cleaned.

5. Stopping and Starting

If you clean in fits and spurts, you will probably never get done. It is best to clean through an entire room at once and then stop before moving on to another room to deep clean it.

It isn’t wise to clean a little here and a little there, especially when you are wanting to do a deep clean. Instead, finish one entire room or one entire task before taking a break.

Try to finish all of one area before moving into the next one. Try not to do a little bit of cleaning and then stopping that to do something else. You should set aside time to do your deep cleaning properly, ensuring that you won’t be disturbed so that you don’t have to try to figure out where you left off when you come back to it later.

Any method of cleaning that involves stopping and starting will use up a lot of energy. Instead of wasting energy, set aside time to do the cleaning where you can get large sections of your home done at once.

6. Cleaning Out of Order

This mistake is kind of related to the last one, but it deserves its own mention. You do not want to clean part of one room and then go to a different room to do a small task there and so on throughout the house. This can lead to lots of unfinished work and can make it difficult to tell what has been cleaned and what has not been cleaned.

The smarter move would be to clean all of one room first before moving on to another room. If you don’t do that method, then anyone helping you will be confused. You will also expend more energy than you need to. If you work in one room at a time you can keep your cleaning tools in that room and not have to move them again until the room is finished.

This makes it easier to find your cleaning tools, and you will spend less time looking for them, because you will at least know which room they are in.

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