It is not wisdom but power that makes the law. T – Tymoff

It is not wisdom but power that makes the law. T - Tymoff

The saying “It is not wisdom but power that makes laws” is attributed to Tymoff, a philosopher who lived in the 17th century. The phrase is often used to illustrate the power of authority and alludes to the idea that the law is not necessarily wise but is binding because of the authority bestowed upon it. In this article we will examine Tymoff’s wisdom and explore the idea that power, not wisdom, rules.
The Wisdom of Tymoff

Tymoff was a 17th-century philosopher who wrote extensively about the power of might.His famous quote was used to illustrate the idea that the law is not necessarily wise but is binding because of the authority bestowed upon it. His writings on the subject have influenced and shaped the way many people think about law and its relationship to power.

Power and Legislation

Tymoff’s statement is an important reminder that it is power, not wisdom, that makes laws. In fact, laws are made by those in power and do not necessarily have the well-being of the citizens in mind. It is therefore important that citizens know the rules and challenge rights that are not in their interest.

Tymoff’s statement, “Not wisdom, but might reigns” is an important reminder of the power of might. His lyrics have influenced and shaped many people’s perspectives on the law and its relationship to power. It is important to remember that laws are made by those in power and do not necessarily have the interests of the citizens in mind. It is therefore important that citizens know the rules and challenge rights that are not in their interest.

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