Advantages and Disadvantages of Utilising Calculators in School


Most parents and teachers frequently frown upon the usage of calculators. They believe they hamper the development of the student or child.

This is not totally true. Yes, they actually bring in a fair share of downsides. However, the upsides are here for the taking. Here are the main pros and cons of utilising a calculator in school in more precise details.

Calculators efficiently save computational time

Utilising a calculator in school will aid children to save a lot of computational time on simple arithmetic operations.

This will make it easier for the students to focus more on truly essential math concepts rather than spending time on basic arithmetic operations.

By high-school, children are expected to understand the principles of calculation arithmetic. It is expected of students to understand how to perform. They had already learned to carry out the very same operations in their previous grades.

The usage of calculators in high schools will do students better than harm, with all honesty. Therefore, we can safely say that the usage of calculators in high schools for computations is a 100% upside in itself.

Calculators will enhance their technical abilities

No; we are not joking. Calculators look so simple on the hindsight, however, if you look closer, you will realise that students actually require a certain level of technical knowledge to use them appropriately, particularly when the calculator is a scientific calculator. Also in case, the student goes for a calculator emulator operated on a more complex device such as a computer, the student will enhance the technical knowledge even more.

Therefore, it is ideal for students to understand the several ways of operating a calculator from middle schools itself.

Calculator-made operations are far more accurate than the ones performed by humans

This is pure logic. Utilising a calculate or will significantly improve your level of accuracy with calculations. Apart from this, there is the speed: calculators will provide answers instantly. If obviously a benefit that we should take into account.

The downsides of utilising a calculator in more basic school levels are also there. Let’s have a look at a few of the main cons of utilising calculators without further ado.

Calculators can increase complacency in children

Yes, that can sound a bit ridiculous at first, but this is certainly a fact that is actually quite prevalent in modern education.

Calculators can definitely increase complacency in children. This is because students are now able to finish their homework before schedule; due to the impact of utilising calculators.

The answers are right in front of them at the click of a button. Why would they start calculating the operations on their own? The calculator can do this job on their behalf. As a consequence, the performance suffers in tests and exams where they are not permitted to utilise calculators. This is most definitely con in itself.

Calculators will aid with cheating

Formerly calculators were utilised only for basic operations and calculations. Nowadays, however, we have scientific calculators where text and data can be stored as well. So, obviously, it has become the cheater’s paradise.

A calculator is not cheap

Cost is a factor whether we like it or not. The same must be applied when it comes to a calculator. Some of these advanced scientific calculators are capable of burning a hole in your pocket. Then, there’s the question of batteries and all.

Therefore, in a nutshell, we can safely easily say that the high price tag of calculators is its main downside.

Other downsides…

  • Calculators can result in dependence. Children can find themselves not being able to perform the easiest operations without the help of calculators.
  • Calculators encourage children to randomly try a variety of arithmetical calculations without fully understanding the reasons behind their outcome.
  • They provide children a fake sense of confidence about the math capabilities (read the “complacency” section again that has been mentioned earlier).

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