Best Orthopedic Surgeon Around The World

A huge part of the global population is known to suffer from a variety of orthopedic disorders. Approximately 29 million have been reported to suffer from bone-related disorders diagnosed from primary to advanced stages. Orthopedic physicians help in diagnosing the root cause of the symptoms and help in relieving them as well as curing them in the long run. In advanced cases where traditional medications might not be of any help, the candidate shall need to consult from orthopedic surgeons for further surgical procedures. If diagnosed in the initial stages, a number of orthopedic disorders can get cured through exercises and proper medications. However, in case the disease has progressed to an advanced stage, surgical procedures are mostly advised. Due to the increasing cases of orthopedic disorders, finding efficient surgeons is extremely important. This is because, the experience and expertise in the particular field helps a lot in providing better and effective solutions in extreme cases. Often the medically advanced countries are known to house some of the best doctors, which is why, orthopedic surgeons in India, the USA, the UK, the UAE and many other countries are highly celebrated on the global platform.
- What does an orthopedic surgeon do?
Orthopedic surgeons help in repairing damaged or injured bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments through surgical methods. Surgery is preferred mostly in case of accidental damage, progressive degeneration of joints, etc., which causes massive discomfort in the physical movement of the candidate. Any kind of degenerative disorders of the bone, or muscle, tendons, ligaments, cartilages, can cause serious discomfort in the movement of the affected body part, and thereby become a hindrance in performing daily activities. This is a serious issue for athletes whose profession mostly gets stagnated or worse, hampered due to such disorders. Orthopedic surgeons may or may not include surgery as their sole treatment, and may also require assistance from therapists, specialists who help in managing pain, as well as rehabilitation specialists to offer complete healthcare benefits to the candidate.
- Country wise Breakdown of top orthopedic surgeons around the world.
People from all ages may suffer from bone related disorders, of mild to severe forms. The problems may either be hereditary, degenerative, traumatic, accidental or various other reasons. The need for experienced orthopedic specialists is extremely necessary because if diagnosed inappropriately, these may proceed to advanced stages and prove to be fatal to the sufferer. In worst cases, the candidates may even lose movement partially or completely which makes it even more threatening. Hence, consulting an experienced orthopedic surgeon is always the need of the hour. Among the major countries, the orthopedic surgeons in India, Singapore, the UAE, Turkey, and several other countries have rightly attained global recognition which is why a huge number of people fly to these nations to avail world-class treatments from reputed surgeons. Here is a list of some of the surgeons who have been blessing mankind with their knowledge and skills:
Table of Contents
- Dr. Rakesh Rajput.
- Dr. Vivek Mittal.
- Dr. Vikram Shah.
- Dr. Bharat Mody.
- Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala.
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal.
- Dr. Gerd Mueller.
- Dr. Amar Sarin.
- Dr. Sudhir Joshi
- Dr. Pranjal Kodkani
- Dr. Alaric Aroojis
- Dr. Jayesh M Shah
- Dr. Sudhir Warrier
- Dr. Suresh Shetty
- Dr. Neeraj Bijlani
- Dr. N. S. Laud
- Dr. Milind Chaudhary
- Dr. Sean Ng
- Dr. Henry Chan
- Dr. Alan Cheung
- Dr. Tan Chyn Hong
- Dr. Chong Keen Wai
- Dr. Lim Lian Arn
- Dr. Anandakumar Vellasamy
- Dr. Siow Hua Ming
- Dr Mizan Marican
- Dr. Enis Gürsel.
- Dr. Rasim Şerifoğlu.
- Dr. Kaya Husnu Akan
- Prof. Ayhan Kılıç
- MD Necati AKSOY
- Prof. Ufuk ÖZKAYA.
- Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Akşahin
- Prof. Dr. Alpay Merter Ozenci
- Dr. Ahmet Çağdaş Biçen
- Dr. Davud Yasmin
United Arab Emirates
- Dr. Chris Lewonowoski
- Dr. Ishrat Azam Khan
- Dr. Ashok Kumar
- Dr. Shine Ashokan
- Dr. Thomas Nau
- Dr. Marwan El Khazen
- Dr. Abhay Dandawate
- Dr. Abdel Rahman Ahmed
- Dr. Achim Luth
- Achim Ernst Hermann Lueth