Oral Devices That Help Control Snoring

Sleeping is essential for a great overall health. But a majority of the people snore which is major disruption in the way of getting a good night’s sleep. On the basis of the severity and the frequency, the snoring can range from a negligible nuisance to a severe health hazard.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the most serious health conditions that causes the tissues to block the flow of air into the lungs as you sleep. This can have far-reaching consequences and can even prove to be fatal for your dental health.
There are a number of treatment options for discussing with the sleep apnea dentists. Among them, the oral devices for Sleep Apnea happen to be one of the most effective ones.
You wear these devices just prior to retiring to bed and there is no need to wear this during the other times of the day.
Like the other modes of treatment, the effect of these devices also varies from one person to the other. Here are some of the oral devices that can assist in controlling snoring. Just take a look.
• Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)– This is one of the most widely used Sleep Apnea mouth devices that resemble the mouth guards which are used in sports extensively. They work by forcing the lower jaw forward and downward slightly. This presents tremendous assistance in keeping the airways open and thereby prevents the breathing issues. Some like TAP or the Thornton Adjustable Positioner permits you to control the degree of advancement.
• Anti-Snoring Braces– The anti-snoring braces are shaped like a bow made of stainless-steel loop which is silicon-coated. It is pushed through the opening of the mouth backwards opening into the area of the palate. As a result, the palatal arch is put under slight tension. The anti-snore braces are used if you snore through the mouth or if you snore in a position with the closed mouth. The anti-snoring devices are not efficient for tongue snoring. They have a different field of application as compared with the snoring mouthpieces.
• Tongue Retaining Device– This is used less commonly like the MAD which is a splint that holds the tongue in the place for keeping the airway open.
How Mandibular Devices Work
The anti-snoring devices are mostly fitted by the dentist and they perform a number of functions like the following –
• Advance or push the jaw slightly forth that naturally opens the airway
• Stabilise the jaw in case of the jaw that is receding
• Depress the tongue so it does not fall to the rear portion of the throat and breathing
• Make sure that soft palate tissue does not impede the passageway
Why Mandibular Devices Work?
People suffering from the mild to moderate sleep apnea, particularly those who sleep on the stomachs and backs, the dental devices can improve sleep and reduce the loudness and frequency of snoring regularly. Again, as compared with the CPAP, people also tend to use the mouth devices more.
The dental devices are also seen to control the condition for a longer period than the UPPP or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty which is the surgical process to fight apnea. This procedure removes the tissue from the back of the throat.
Drawbacks of Oral Devices
Nevertheless, the devices do come with some potential drawbacks including the following –
• movement of the teeth
• altered bite
• pain
• temporal mandibular joint Arthritis or TMJ
• Excessive Salivation
• Dry Lips
If you have opted for this then you should go for early check-up to find out whether it is working and benefitting you. This should be followed by the periodic check-ups for the possible replacement or adjustments. If you experience pain, then the sleep apnea dentist should be able to make modifications for correcting the problem.
There is a variety of factors that contribute towards determining the success of treatment for the Obstructive Sleep Apnea which includes the patient’s upper airway structure, severity of the problem that is being faced as well as the personal comfort and preference of the patient.
You should consult with a reputed sleep apnea dentist to understand the best treatment plan for your condition and make it a point to go for the dental appliance for sleep apnea approved by the dentist only in order to get the desirable results.
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