Pain Management Techniques to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Chronic or acute back pain is unlikely to be life-threatening, but it can have a serious impact on quality of life. Currently, there are different types of modality used to treat back pain with different efficacy analyzes.
Danger alert
The tests required to confirm the diagnosis can be diagnosed as an alarm signal.
The goals of back pain treatment vary. From illness treatment to pain relief. Treatment should be discussed with the patient according to each patient’s practical diagnosis and risk factors. Treatment of patients with low back pain must be multimodal. However, unused muscles are sensitive to pain and patients should be advised to stay active. You can easily find Pain O Soma 500 mg, such as Pain O Soma 350mg in your favorite online pharmacies.
Outpatient treatment for chronic low back pain:
- Patients are encouraged to remain active and discuss pharmacological or non-pharmacological non-invasive pain management options.
- Observation for 4 to 6 weeks, if improvement is seen, continue treatment and confirm in the next 4 weeks
- If symptoms do not improve, check for radiculopathy or spinal canal stenosis and do an x-ray. Patients with radiculopathy or spinal canal stenosis can be referred to a pain management specialist-if the symptoms are very severe, consider referral to surgery for invasive treatment.
- Check for diagnosis, physical examination, and risk factors for symptoms without radiculopathy or spinal canal stenosis. Consider a combination of treatment types and seek medical rehabilitation-if the pain is severe, look at pain management.
Chronic or acute low back pain is not likely to be life threatening, but it can seriously affect quality of life. Currently, there are various types of modalities used for the management of low back pain with varying effectiveness analysis.
Danger Alert
There is a possibility of a diagnosis, as an alarm signal, in the investigations needed to confirm the diagnosis.
The goals of low back pain therapy vary; from the purpose of treating disease to reducing pain. Treatment should be discussed with the patient according to the working diagnosis and risk factors for each patient. Management of back pain patients should be multi-modal. Patients should still be advised to stay active because muscles that are not being used will be hypersensitive to pain.
Management of chronic low back pain on an outpatient basis:
- Patients are advised to stay active, and discuss options for pharmacological or non-pharmacological non-invasive pain management
- Observation for four to six weeks, if improved, continue therapy and review in the next four weeks
- If symptoms do not improve, review for radiculopathy or spinal stenosis and perform radiological examination. Patients with radiculopathy or spinal stenosis may be referred to a pain management specialist—if symptoms are very severe consider referral to surgery for invasive procedures.
- for symptoms without radiculopathy and spinal stenosis, review diagnosis, physical examination and risk factors. Consider combining types of treatment and refer to medical rehabilitation—if pain is severe, refer to pain management.
The use of medications for chronic low back pain is recommended only for short periods of time, for example acute exacerbations, as long-term use can have many side effects
NSAID (No steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug)
Commonly used NSAID types are diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Formulations are available in the form of tablets, suppositories and injections, but injections are rarely used because they are as effective as tablets and suppositories.
Paracetamol is commonly given to patients with low back pain, but some studies have not shown it to be effective.
Opioid administration did not guarantee symptom relief-without opioids, 24 of 100 patients improved, and with opioids, values changed in only 34 of 100 patients. Side effects include constipation, nausea, drowsiness, and addiction.
Muscle relaxant
Muscle relaxants such as eperisone and baclofen provide only short-term symptom relief. No studies have shown its effectiveness in lower back pain. The most common side effect is sedation, and long-term use carries the risk of addiction.
Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs
The antidepressants being studied for efficacy are tricyclic antidepressants. Gabapentin relieves the short-term symptoms of patients with radiculopathy. Antiepileptic drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and pregabalin have not been proven to be effective in patients with chronic low back pain.
Injection therapy
Injection therapy is often used to relieve pain or make you feel numb. Injections can be made with muscle tissue, around specific nerves, ligaments / intervertebral discs of the spine, spinal joints, or epidural anesthesia. The following injections can be made:
Local anesthetic
Botulinum toxin (Botox)
Supportive care
For chronic low back pain, supportive care is often the treatment of choice, and frequently no treatment advice. There are many treatment options that can be performed with both non-invasive and invasive procedures.
Non-invasive treatment
There are many types of non-invasive treatments for chronic low back pain, from physiotherapy to laser treatment. Each treatment has its own strengths and weaknesses that need to be tailored to the patient’s condition and lifestyle.
Conservative treatments such as exercise and interdisciplinary treatment programs (doctors and psychotherapists, social therapists, occupational therapists) have been shown to be effective in treating chronic low back pain. Recommended sports are swimming and walking, which can improve your function and physical fitness without straining your body. Exercise also includes a variety of movements that the patient can perform on a daily basis at home, including: From one knee to chest, pelvic tilt, tail sway, lumbar spine.
However, according to a study by Rhino et al. Physical therapy alone, without any combination of other modality, is less effective in the long run. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, analgesics, antidepressants, NSAIDs, spinal manipulation, and back training are still controversial and their effectiveness has not been fully proven.
There are other alternative modalities, but none of them are supported by valid scientific evidence such as chiropractors, massages, acupuncture, and meditation. Traditional Chinese medicine (alternative medicine) for acupuncture can provide short-term symptomatic treatment, improve function, and is best used in combination with other treatments. Yoga (Viniyoga) is also one of the modern treatments for back pain, and as a result, 6 weeks of yoga can reduce substance use.
Invasive treatment
Currently, there are no clear indications or guidelines for deciding surgery for patients with chronic low back pain. However, most back pain is not improved by surgery. Conditions that require surgical review and referral include caudal equine syndrome, tumors, infections, severe paralysis due to spinal canal stenosis, or radiculopathy. Surgery may also be considered in patients with persistent radiculopathy due to herniated discs or spinal canal stenosis that do not improve after non-invasive treatment.
Recommendations for referral to orthopedics or neurosurgery:
Progressive neuropathy (weakness / paralysis) Sensory disorders (numbness / numbness) or defecation disorders or urination No improvement after 4-6 weeks of non-invasive treatment for sciatic pain or root damage [
Currently available surgical options are spinal fusion and posterior kyphosis, laminectomy, Discectomy, foraminotomy, intervertebral hyperthermia, nucleation, high frequency disc fusion or spinal fusion. Hardening of the spine is recommended for low back pain caused by fractures, infections, progressive deformities, or Spondylolisthesis.
Decompression of the spine and nerves often yields good results in the short term, and studies of overall patient benefit are inconsistent with themselves. Disc arthroplasty, or replacing the disc with an artificial disc, is more effective in the short term than spinal fusion, but long-term results have not been proven.
Radiation intraradiation therapy means to down the nerves at the disc to relieve pain. This treatment can relieve pain slightly, but it does not improve spinal function.