Enedina Arellano Felix net worth 2023; husband, age & more information

luis raúl toledo carrejo

Do you know what an excellent online offer from Enedina Arellano Felix is? Enedina Arellano Félix is ​​a drug lord who founded the Tijuana cartel with his brothers. People also understand the charm of Enedin Arellano Felix. Enedina Arellano Felix’s net worth is expected to be in the millions. Today we can talk about Enedina Arellano Felix Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Wife and more.So let’s get started!

Enedina Arellano Felix Wiki

This celebrity’s true calling is Enedina Arellano Felix; she & his brother founded the Tijuana Cartel. She is Mexican. Today we write details about Enedina Arellano Felix, Internet Value, Wife, Age and more. Find out the next step.Enedina Arellano Felix is ​​Founder & drug lord at the moment. Enedina Arellano Félix founded the Tijuana Cartel.

Enedina Arellano Félix Félix’s main source of income is a drug lord. Make money with a drug lord.

The Tijuana Cartel, also known as the Arellano Félix Organization, is a Mexican drug cartel headquartered entirely in the metropolitan area of ​​Tijuana in northwest Baja, California.The sign takes its name from the Arellano Félix brothers who founded the company in the late 80s.

Enedina Arellano Felix Age

Do you know how old Enedina Arellano Felix is? In the table below you can find the birth as well as the age of Enedina Arellano Felix & various related files. She was born on April 12, 1961. Today Enedina Arellano Felix is ​​61 years old.

Enedina Arellano Felix husband

Is Enedina Arellano Felix married or not? Who is Enedina Arellano Felix’s husband? Enedina Arellano Felix’s husband is Luis Raúl Toledo Carrejo.

Enedina Arellano Felix Size & Weight

A lot of people usually try to find out how tall Enedina Arellano Felix is ​​and how much she weighs. Enedina Arellano Felix usually creates new features in his physical situation, climax, weight, etc.We currently do not have dimensional data for Enedina Arellano Felix & how much does it weigh


  1. How much is the internet really worth by Enedina Arellano Felix?

Enedina Arellano Felix The internet is worth five million dollars. Enedina founded the Tijuana Cartel.

  1. Who is Enedina Arellano Felix?

Enedina Arellano Félix is ​​a drug lord who founded the Tijuana cartel with his brother.

  1. Enedina Arellano Felix husband?

Her husband is Luis Raúl Toledo Carrejo.

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