Best private schools in England

Best private schools in England

Education at best private schools in England students from all over the world

The British educational system encourages the student’s reasoning and self-knowledge. Most students at private schools in England are interested in learning and self-education because they are immersed in the environment of constant development. The academic calendar at UK private schools usually begins at the beginning of September and ends between July 5 and 10, depending on area where the school is located and the school itself.

Private schools in England have a rich culture of organizing a wide variety of after-school sports and activities. The most interesting and time-consuming activities and excursions are organized on weekends.

One of the features of studying at private schools in England imply longer schedule. Classes take more hours, on some Saturdays there are classes. Moreover, many students decide to take additional classes in order to prepare for exams or choose additional clubs of interests. But at the same time vacations are longer than at public schools.

Nowadays, studying at private schools in England has become extremely popular with students and their parents from all over the world. Such tendency is down to that parents feel the trends of today’s competitive world. That is why a more personalized education is highly recommended for those who are aimed at studying at the most prestigious university and building a successful career, All the advantages of studying at private schools in England imply great expenses. Private educational system is much more expensive that public one.

Private schools in England are also divided into ones that are not run by the Ministry of Education or local authorities. Such schools are usually very selective and take entrance exams in order to get only the strongest students.

There are 2 different categories of private schools in England:

On the one hand, private schools that are called Academies. They are run by a school governing body and are independent from the local council and can follow a different program from the national one. These schools are subsidized by private donations and by government.

On the other hand, there are voluntary aided schools, which are usually associated with a wide variety of organizations. They can be Catholic schools or without any associated faith.

In addition, there are UK private schools are based on voluntary contributions and charitable contributions from parents. Land and buildings are usually owned by a governing body. Such schools independently control both the choice of a teaching staff and the admission processes, despite being subsidized by the local or central government.

At private schools in England students usually study core subjects and disciplines that students are able to choose independently according to their desires and interests. At the same time, core subjects in all cycles are English, Mathematics and Science that students mustn’t change.

As for the subjects of interest students usually choose from humanitarian and technical ones. Here is a list of most popular disciplines among international students at private schools in England:

  • Design and technology
  • Communication and computing technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Foreign language
  • Music
  • Physical education
  • Civic education

One of the most popular private schools in England for foreign students – Westminster School

Westminster School, that is also known as The Royal College of Saint Peter in Westminster, is located in the walled precincts of the former monastery at Westminster Abbey in London. It is one of the most prestigious private schools in the UK and is a part of the nine Clarendon Schools.

In 1179, the Benedictine monks founded the school. It was a direct request of Pope Alexander III. Once the order of the Benedictine monks was dissolved, King Henry VIII prevented their disappearance. From those times, the school has always been in ward of the English Royal family.

Nowadays, Westminster School is a co-educational private school. Graduates of the school receive such quality knowledge that allows them to enter the most prestigious universities all over the world: 45% manage to enter Oxford or Cambridge, 50% enter other British universities, while the remaining 5% usually enter universities in the United States. The number of students per academic year is around 750.

Westminster School has a long sport tradition that demonstrates student interest in sports such as soccer, rowing and cricket. Music and theater are also very important in student life of the school.

Among Westminster School’s former students there is the philosopher John Locke, the winner of a Nobel Prize like Edgar Adrian, or the director of “Les Miserables” or “The King’s Speech”, Tom Hooper and seven British prime ministers.

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