Types of Anxiety & Anxiety Relief Measures You Can Try At Home

anxiety relief measures

Are you continuously changing sides on your bed waiting for sleep to come? Have you experienced the mind-numbing fear of doom? Has your heart pounded so hard that you feared this was the end of the world? Are you eating without noticing what’s on your plate just because you want to stay away from scary thoughts? 

All these things, and many more are symptoms of anxiety. Medically, anxiety is fear or apprehension followed by physical symptoms such as sweating, stress, increased palpitations etc.

How Does Anxiety Feel Like
Anxiety is unidentified panic. It is that feeling that things are going to go bad. Many times these feelings are deemed normal, especially during stress. It can happen to anyone. But anxiety disorder is serious when this fear, panic and stress aren’t just occurrences once in a while but become a part of life. Serious anxiety can be life threating in the sense that it can derail your normal life and your relationships. 

Anxiety is experienced differently by different people. For some it is increased heartbeats, for some it is insomnia and for many others it is indigestion, dizziness, headache etc. The list can go on. When these feelings do not stop even on a normal day, it should be taken seriously. 

Who Are Likely To Be Affected

Anyone can suffer from anxiety. Anxiety can assume many forms and a person can suffer from any of them. Research shows that women are more likely to suffer from anxiety than men. Anxiety symptoms can hit a person anytime between his childhood and adult-life. There is no way to know what can be a trigger for a person. Triggers vary from person to person. 

Types of Anxiety Disorder

There are several types of anxiety disorder that has been identified over the years. They are – 

  • Panic Disorder – When a person suddenly gets panicky and feels a threat of impending doom, he may be suffering from panic disorder. The common symptoms include sweating, pounding heart, nausea, dizziness, or chest pain. Panic disorder can be easily treated with appropriate anxiety relief measures
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – A person who has experienced terrifying event in his life can suffer from PTSD. Being witness to a man-made or natural disaster, being in a war, being a victim of sexual or physical abuse can all result to PTSD. The common symptoms of PTSD are vivid flashbacks, loss of interest in activities and sudden panic attacks. One can also turn violent. A person suffering from PTSD can consult a counsellor or start healing himself by taking anxiety relief over the counter medication. 
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)– The most common symptom of a person suffering from OCD is constant repetitive behavior. A person feels troubled unless he washes his hands continuously or checks if the door is locked or cleans the houses innumerable times. Some also dress in a certain manner because of OCD while others feel an unexplainable urge to count objects without any reason. Psychotherapy helps treat OCD while one can also try other anxiety relief remedies. 
  • Social Anxiety Disorder – When a person unusually feels self-conscious or panicky in an ordinary social situation, he may be suffering from social anxiety disorder. A person tends to become highly self-conscious and self-critical. Common symptoms include sweating, nausea, blushing and fear of speaking in front of a public. In severe cases, people tend to miss work or school because of the disorder. Psychotherapy works as an effective treatment. Medicines are also helpful. 
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder – It is identified by chronic anxiety, tension and worry even in situations that do not provoke such emotions in any way. It is the most common type of anxiety most people suffer from. 
  • Phobia – There are many identified types of phobia known to mankind. It is that intense fear one experiences upon seeing something that is unlikely to case any harm. Fear of height, elevators, dogs, water are all phobias. Most people do not seek treatment for phobia since they can simply avoid the thing they fear. But phobias are treatable by taking necessary medicines. 

Anxiety Relief Measure

The good news about anxiety is that it is curable. You do not need to live with anxiety your whole life. Talking to someone, meeting a counsellor or even trying herbal supplements can all be helpful. Today we shall to talking about herbal supplements and their effectiveness in curing anxiety.

Herbal Supplements and Their Effectiveness

Herbal supplements are considered as over the top medications which one can have without a prescription. They are like your everyday nutritional enhancement pills – not very strong but highly effective. One of the top reasons why you should try herbal supplements if you are suffering from anxiety is because they have very fewside-effects. Most herbal supplements available in the market are made using naturally derived ingredients. This means that they are safe, organic and known to be effective. The ingredients mostly used in creating these mood lifting pills have been researched for thousands of years by traditional cultures. They are known to be effective. Some of the common ingredients used in herbal supplements are – 

  • Ashwagandha – It is widely used in Ayurvedic medications. Known to be a potent drug for calming the nerves, Ashwagandha is considered a powerful herbal adaptogens which supports the adrenal and metabolic systems that directly reduce anxiousness. If a medication consisting of Ashwagandha is regularly taken,one’s stamina can improve while one’s resistance to stress and anxiety also improves. 
  • B-Vitamins – B6 and B12 are two of the primary compounds that make up this special group of nutrients. They along with other primary and secondary nutrients play a very important role in producing neurotransmitters and serotonin. Stress and anxiety are controlled by the effective release of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. B12 is a very important nutrient that helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety along with helping normalize heart functions. 
  • 5-HTP – 5-HTP is nature’s version of serotonin. It is a valuable supplement that is especially beneficial for those having low serotonergic activity. 5-HTP helps in maintaining the normal serotonin levels thereby decreasing anxiety and stress. Consumed in the right proportion, it also helps one sleep better. 
  • Chamomile – Chamomile is known to be a soothing and gentle herb that can significantly reduce stress. It is also consumed as tea and is quite popular. Chamomile consists of essential oils such as flavonoids, phenols, hydroxylates, and sesquiterpenewhich help in relieving stress. 

It is important to treat anxiety disorder before your life derails. Seek medical help if necessary. Otherwise include herbal supplements in your daily diet to get immediate relief.

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