How To Teach English Grammar for Kids At Home

How To Teach English Grammar for Kids At Home

Many parents want to teach their children English at home, but are unsure where to begin. It makes no difference if your English is not flawless. The most crucial factor is your enthusiasm and the amount of support and praise you offer your children. Your youngster will absorb your excitement for the language. Do not panic if your youngster does not immediately begin speaking English, there are plenty of way to teach English grammar for kids. They will need some time to assimilate the language. They will begin speaking English in their own time if you have patience.

Developing a routine

Create a schedule for your English study at home. Short, frequent sessions are preferable than lengthy, infrequent ones. 15 minutes is plenty for very young youngsters. As your kid grows and their focus span develops, you may progressively lengthen sessions. Keep the activities brief and diverse to maintain your child’s interest.

Try to do some tasks at the same time each day. Children are more at ease and certain when they know what to anticipate. For instance, you may play an English game with your children every day after school or read them an English tale before bed. If you have room at home, you may construct an English zone where you can store everything English-related, such as books, games, DVDs, and anything your children have created. Children need repeated exposure to words and phrases before they feel comfortable producing them independently.

Playing games

Children naturally acquire knowledge while they are having fun. There are several games that can be played using flashcards.

Using daily examples

The benefit of teaching English at home is that you may utilise common circumstances and actual household items to practise the language in a natural and contextual manner. For instance:

When your kid is getting dressed or you are sorting laundry, discuss clothing (‘Let’s put on your blue socks,’ ‘This is Dad’s T-shirt,’ etc.).

When helping your kid organise their bedroom, practise language for toys and furnishings (‘Let’s put your teddy bear on the bed!’, ‘Where is the blue car?’).

Teach food terminology when cooking or grocery shopping. When you visit the grocery, provide your youngster with a list of items to locate (use pictures or words depending on their age). Review the terminology while you put away your groceries.

Using tales

Books with bright colours and interesting illustrations are popular with youngsters. Take a look at the pictures and try saying the sentences out loud as you point to the items. Later, you may expand on this by asking your child to point to things such, “Where is the cat?” Asking “What is that?” after a while might prompt children to use the terms in conversation. Through listening to stories, your child will get used to the tempo and intonation of the English language.

Using songs

Songs are a highly effective way to expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation. Very young children benefit most from songs with gestures since they can participate even if they are unable to sing. The words of the song are often illustrated by the actions. Moreover, you can enrol your child to singing lessons to enhance their knowledge. Singing involves using correct grammar and sentence structure in order to fit the words to the melody and rhythm of a song. This can help them develop a better understanding of English grammar and syntax.

Teaching syntax

Grammar rules don’t need to be taught to young children; rather, they should get familiar with hearing and utilising various grammatical structures in context, including such “have got” when describing someone’s looks or “must/mustn’t” when addressing their school’s regulations. Your kid may benefit later in life from using the language appropriately and naturally if they are exposed to the grammar in context at a young age.


It may be quite beneficial for older children to instruct their younger siblings or other family members. Explaining language to another person enables you to better understand it yourself.

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