SEO in 2021: Trends That are Most Likely to be a Key to Successful SEO

SEO in 2021

Times waits for none and flies on and on. And with its traversal, it carries away the popular trends and brings up new ones. And, for businesses, it is imperative to catch up with the latest trends to remain competitive.

The time has come for you to update yourself with the SEO trends that are likely to be in vogue in 2021. Of course, some of the old SEO trends will remain evergreen forever. But, it will help if you acquaint yourself with the likely SEO onpage & offpage trends for 2021 so that you can prepare yourself for implementing them well-ahead.

The following are some of the practical steps for a successful SEO strategy for 2021:

Local SEO

Local search helps a lot in driving potential customers searching for a local product or service. Research shows that local searches account for more than 65 percent of online searches. If you fail to optimize your website for local searches, your business will miss out on a lot. As the prevailing trend suggests, people will want faster results in 2021 when searching for local offerings, such as a florist or the nearest gym. Search engines, especially Google, will focus more on the local searches to prioritize the local businesses.

You can optimize your website for local searches by:

  • Updating your Google My Business page
  • Creating local landing pages for local areas

Remember that Local SEO is for all types of businesses, regardless of their size.

Mobile Optimisation

Mobiles are now the most preferred devices for searches. Studies show that more than 85 percent of people use the mobile phone for conducting searches. It will help if you know that Google indexes your mobile site first, so it goes without saying that if you fail to optimize your website for mobile phones, your website’s rankings in search results will suffer.

You need to make your website mobile-friendly to get better Google ranking for 2021. The advantage of having a mobile-friendly website spans beyond higher search engine rankings; it also enables your target customers to do searches easily.

At the same time, you need to make sure that your website loads quickly on the mobile. Nowadays, people hate waiting and want results quickly. As slow downloads and delays irritate people, you need to make sure that your site is free of such irritants to destroy the customer experience.

User-Centric Optimisation

SEO tactics will be all about user-experience in 2021. And you need to keep track of stuff, such as when people come to your website? How they react? How long they stay there? Do they visit more pages other than your homepage? Etc.

In 2021, you can expect Google to consider user-behavior as a significant component in its ranking criteria. And at the same time, traditional SEO tactics, like link building and content marketing, will also play a dominant role.

You can do some of the things on your own. You can take a close look at your Google analytics and figure out the bounce rates and the time people spend on each page. With the help of the data you get from the observation, you can optimize your website for better user experience, which will help with Google rankings.

When you optimize your website for users, you need to implement A/B testing, which involves tweaking landing pages throughout the site based on the analytics data.

Google My Business

You need to make sure that you update your business profile on Google My Business page, which plays a key role when people look for your offerings locally.

In 2021, you should look at Google My Business page as a powerful tool. It enables your target customers to know your specific details, like your address, phone number. It also carries customer reviews, helping you not only to projecting your business but attract more leads.

Voice Search

The trend of people doing voice searches is growing steadily. According to studies, voice searches account for more than 25 percent of all searches, and the trend is showing signs of increasing.

So, how should you react when it comes to your SEO strategy for 2021? It will help if you use long-tail keywords. For example, instead of using the search query– ‘professional SEO services’ –, you can use– ‘which are the best professional SEO services in New York?’–which is a more conversational and relaxed query and helps substantially in local search.

You can also expect  AI revolutionary waves in digital marketing to substantially influence voice search’s rising prominence.

It will help if you prepare to optimize your website for voice search, as it is expected to be a key ranking prerequisite for 2021.

Website Content Quality

You can rest assured that high-quality content is going to play a crucial role in your SEO rankings in 2021. As such, when you will publish articles and blogs of your website, do not fall behind in ensuring that they are of the highest quality.

It will help if you keep in mind that Google will only prioritize only those sites that bear clear and concise content answering all questions.

Video Content

If you fail to include video content on your website, you are sure to trail behind in search results in 2021. You perhaps might not yet have known that video content bears the potential to multiply the conversion rate by six times than non-video content.

When you incorporate video content on your website, people will enjoy watching it to increase the engagement rate. Therefore, Google will rank the page higher in search results.


With 2021 not far away, you need to implement the steps to prepare yourself for executing a successful SEO strategy in the next year.

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