The Advantages of Laser Dentistry in Dental Procedures

Laser Dentistry in Dental Procedures

Laser technology is rapidly gaining popularity amongst modern dental clinics, providing many benefits for treating various dental conditions. This article will explain everything you need to know about laser dentistry, the dental issues it can resolve, and why it offers advantages over conventional drilling methods to help you make an informed decision and prepare for your next appointment at the local dentist in Maroubra.

What is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry removes layers of unhealthy tissue in a minimally invasive way, which is why more and more oral professionals are opting for this method because it reduces post-procedure swelling, speeds up teeth whitening, and significantly decreases the risk of infection during treatments.

The laser can be precisely targeted at specific tooth and gum tissues depending on the dental problem that requires treatment, such as gum disease, tooth decay, impacted wisdom teeth, tooth discolouration, and reshaping gums for cosmetic reasons.

Common Dental Problems Treated With Laser Technology

Laser dentistry has been shown to be highly effective for treating a wide range of common dental issues that patients at the dentist in Maroubra need treatment for, including:

Gum Disease

Laser technology can remove inflamed, infected, or diseased gum tissue quickly and precisely while protecting surrounding healthy gum tissue. The treatment also eliminates plaque and tartar build-up on teeth that leads to gum disease.

Tooth Decay

Unlike the jarring and scraping of traditional dental drills against the tooth surface, lasers gently remove tooth decay and damaged enamel in preparation for fillings.

Tooth Sensitivity

Laser dentistry can significantly reduce tooth sensitivity and pain symptoms by sealing off the tiny tubules in tooth roots that lead to the nerve.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Laser treatment allows the dentist in Maroubra better access to impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth stuck in the gums by efficiently removing the obstructing tissue covering the affected teeth.

Discoloured Teeth

One of the most popular uses of laser technology in cosmetic dentistry is for patients who desire brighter, whiter smiles through teeth whitening. Laser light therapy has been shown to significantly enhance and accelerate the teeth whitening process compared to conventional whitening methods.

Gummy Smiles

For patients with an overgrown upper gum line that causes a “gummy smile”, lasers can reshape and contour the excess gum tissue for an elegantly improved smile.

The Key Benefits of Laser Dentistry

There are many important advantages that come with laser dentistry compared to traditional drilling techniques. One of the most significant benefits of laser dentistry performed by a skilled dentist in Maroubra is the quick recovery time experienced by patients. As laser procedures are much less invasive than traditional drilling, patients heal faster and can proceed with regular daily activities without extended downtime. The concentrated precision of a laser light also causes far less tissue damage, resulting in minimal scarring of the gums after treatment. Lasers additionally have the ability to seal off tiny blood vessels during cutting, leading to significantly reduced bleeding both during and after procedures. Furthermore, the reduced tissue trauma lowers opportunities for harmful bacteria to enter the body, decreasing infection risk. Consequently, patients often experience significantly less pain during and after laser dental treatment performed by a dentist.

With all of these benefits, it is very clear why laser technology is rapidly gaining popularity amongst dental clinics. If you want to learn more about the advantages of laser dental procedures, contact a knowledgeable dentist in Maroubra. They can best advise if laser dentistry is suitable for your specific dental needs and will support you on your journey to overall dental health.

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