The Role Of AMH Testing In Personalised Fertility Care

AMH Testing

Anti-mullerian hormone test (AMH testing) gives a person’s AMH levels. The process of AMH testing uses blood, and the results show ovarian reserve. The ovarian reserve shows the number of eggs remaining in a woman’s ovary. Effective fertility treatment requires personalised care, and AMH testing is a step in successful and customised fertility treatment.

Personalised Fertility Intervention through AMH Testing

AMH levels reveal the state of a person’s reproductive health. It defines the gender of an unborn baby by forming the reproductive organs. The gender of the baby comes from the parent’s chromosomes. AMH is also one of the hormones that support the development of the reproductive organs.

AMH test is among the available tests that direct appropriate fertility treatment. It can be used as a guide in making treatment decisions,  and also provide reasons preventing conception. The fertility treatment pursued depends on an individual’s test results.

AMH levels accurately reflect ovarian reserve in the follicles; therefore, the levels show the extent of ovarian aging. The test indicates the number of eggs a woman has that are viable for fertilisation. The AMH test will show the impossibility of conception occurring. From these results, the doctors can choose a viable fertility treatment. When IVF becomes an alternative, AMH presents the possible success rate of the procedure.

The test can also be used to predict the likelihood of the onset of menopause. In the event of premature menopause, the test can show the reasons for it. Some cancers affect fertility by inhibiting conception, and AMH testing identifies some of these cancers, like ovarian cancer. It also monitors its progression or response to treatment. Doctors also use this test to diagnose amenorrhea or lack of menstruation.

One of the top causes of female infertility is PCOS. AMH levels confirm the prevalence of PCOS even when there are no other symptoms. Besides that, AMH levels must reach a minimum threshold before they become a factor in fertility treatment. Yet, low levels of AMH cannot stop pregnancy. For pregnancy to occur, a woman must produce viable eggs, regardless of quantity.

AMH testing explores other causes preventing conception besides the ovarian reserve factor. Such circumstances require patience. Low AMH means pregnancy will take longer to occur. The age of the woman matters. The reason for that is the deterioration of ovarian reserve with advancing age. Therefore, women in their late 30s and into their 40s should take caution.

From that, it also empowers women to take charge of their reproduction. A woman receives information that liberates her from the biological clock headache. It helps her decide her preferred timing of getting pregnant. She might prefer delaying pregnancy. If so, she can consider egg freezing for future IVF procedures.

She can pursue other goals in her life. That happens without worrying about losing fertility due to her advancing age. When she feels ready for motherhood, she can go to a facility for IVF, and they then use her earlier extracted frozen eggs.

If a woman has no chance of getting pregnant, she can use donor eggs for IVF. In the same way, the test helps in screening egg donors. The best candidates are those with good AMH levels. Often the AMH test goes in conjunction with other fertility tests. It is a basis for determining if and when a woman can receive fertility medication.


There are currently no ways of increasing ovarian reserve. Yet, using AMH testing can help women and doctors to establish the cause of infertility. It also improves overall health as it identifies other ailments that affect conception. Through it, doctors successfully diagnose some issues of the female reproductive system. The test provides a customised approach to resolving infertility issues.

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