Get your IVF done from the Best fertility center in Raipur

Get your IVF done from the Best fertility center in Raipur

Do you know the first ever IVF baby was born in the year 1978, on July 25th? Since then, thousands of couples have been able to experience the joy of parenthood every year. According to reports, about 1% of the babies born all over the world are through ART (assisted reproductive techniques). Though there are a number of such innovative techniques being developed each year, IVF or in vitro fertilization has been the most effective assisted reproductive technique. About 99% of all ART procedures are either IVF or ICSI procedures. The success rate of both these procedures depends on a number of factors and choosing the best IVF center is one among them. Thus, it is important to choose the best IVF center in Raipur with expert doctors and paramedical staff to enjoy the best success rates.

Types of IVF procedures:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most common treatments for infertility in India. Our country performs about 2 to 2.5 lakh IVF cycles annually. The procedure involves the fertilization of the eggs by the sperm in a laboratory in a petri dish. After successful fertilization, the embryo develops and then the doctor will transfer it to the uterus to grow full term. There are different types of IVF procedures that doctors at the best IVF center in Raipur attempt, they are

  • IVF with frozen embryo transfer
  • IVF with ICSI
  • IVF using eggs of a donor
  • IVF with donor sperm
  • Mini IVF or minimal stimulation.


How can we learn the success rate of IVF procedures?

The success rate of the IVF procedure is calculated on the basis of number of live births per treatment cycle. Or by the number of pregnancies per embryo transfer. Or by the number of live births per embryo transfer.

Factors that determine the success and failure rate of IVF procedure:

The success of the procedure depends on a number of factors and they are,

  • Age of the mother: This is a predominant factor that affects the success rate of the IVF procedure. Women between the ages of 24 to 35 years have a success rate of 65%. As maternal age increases, the success rate drops
  • Fertility problems: IVF is the procedure of choice for certain fertility problems such as endometriosis, blocks in the fallopian tubes, low sperm count and motility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) etc. But other problem such as uterine fibrois, ovarian dysfunction etc, makes the procedure challenging.
  • Previous pregnancies: A woman who has been pregnant before and has carried her baby to term has a higher chance of conceiving through IVF. Similarly, women with a history of recurrent miscarriages have trouble conceiving with IVF.
  • Fertility clinic: This is the top external factor that determines the success of the procedure. The best IVF centres like Birla Fertility and IVF in Raipur have the highly experienced specialists, technology and protocol to yield high success rates.

About  Birla Fertility and IVF Center in Raipur:

Birla fertility is one of the best IVF centres in Raipur, which is top-ranked in India for offering comprehensive IVF services with a very high success rate. They follow an international protocol and have an expert in-house team to make the fertility journey as smooth as possible for every patient.

The best features of Birla Fertility and IVF centre are that, they are extremely reliable, trustworthy and empathetic towards the needs of their clients. Their services and cost are competitive and transparent and they attempt a range of fertility diagnostics and treatments to help the couple realize their dream of parenthood. The team of fertility specialist have attempted more than 21,000 cycles of IVF with exceptional success rates. Their fertility team is approachable and deals with patient concerns empathetically.

Bottom Line:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective fertility treatment for couples who are trying to conceive. The treatment is complex and involves a series of investigations and procedures. It incurs a lot of financial, psychological and physical burden, but is still a golden road to conceive and have a healthy baby for couples with fertility issues. Birla fertility is the best IVF centre in Raipur that offers world-class fertility solutions at an affordable cost. Book an appointment with them and add wings to your dream of conceiving a healthy baby.

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