Responsibilities of A Scrum Master

Responsibilities of a scrum master

There are people who like to believe that Scrum Masters can do a part-time job. These people think that the scrum master doesn’t have many duties and that they can secure another job with being a scrum master. This is not the case, being a scrum master means being in a very responsible position and there is no chance that scrum master is going to get it right if he is taking his job as a part-time adventure.

Being a scrum master is a full-time job because a scrum master has a lot of duties other than being a developer’s facilitator. It is important to note what a scrum master does to understand his role fully as a full-time master.

There are people who don’t like being a scrum master because they think that being a scrum master won’t get them a full-time job. Well, this is not a case. Being a scrum master means being in a lot of responsibilities and nothing can help you in learning the responsibilities of a scrum master other than an agilescrumcertification. Let’s have a look at who a scrum master is and what are his responsibilities.

What does being a scrum master mean?

Being a scrum master main being into a lot of responsibilities. A scrum master does a lot of things on a daily basis and his duties vary from day to day basis. Mostly a scrum master deal with the sprint planning, retrospective and review meetings. On the other hand, It is the duty of a scrum master to attend the daily scrum and he also spends most of his time helping the product owner. In case there is some impediment in the project then it is the responsibility of a scrum master to take care of that as well.

What are the key duties of a scrum master?

A Scrum Master is responsible for a lot of duties. Let’s have a look at it.

Being responsible for scrum processes 

Being responsible for scrum processes is not easy for a scrum master because it includes a lot of things. For instance when a scrum master is responsible for scrum processes then he has these duties.

  • It is the Responsibility of a scrum master to train the team about scrum processes.
  • A scrum master also prevents the scrum so It stays intact.
  • Scrum Master is also responsible for training the team about the values, principles, and practices of a scrum in a professional way.

A scrum master makes the smooth flow of scrum possible

  • A scrum Master knows that there are some impediments that are reducing the team’s productivity so a scrum master takes it seriously to remove these impediments in the first priority.
  • It is the responsibility of a scrum master to identify what is causing trouble to a scrum process.
  • A scrum master also determines the impact of any impediment which may get in between the productiveness of a scrum process.
  • It is also up to the scrum master to remove the impediment as soon as possible so the productivity of the team can be restored.

Training the product owner

A Scrum Master is also responsible for training the product owner.  There are a lot of things that a scrum master sees when he is working with a product owner.  For instance!

  • A scrum master mentors the product owner so the output of the product turns out to be value-oriented.
  • It is up to the scrum master to manage the product backlog while working with the product owner.
  • It is also the responsibility of a scrum master to make sure that the development team understands the product backlog.
  • A Scrum master also provides the necessary acceptance criteria for each and every BPI.

How a scrum master protects the team?

Being a scrum master means being in a responsible position. It is also the duty and responsibility of a scrum master to protect the team at every cost. He performs a lot of duties while working as a Protector of the team. For instance!

  • A Scrum Master helps the development team whenever needed so the development team stays focused on the subject. It is because of the scrum master that the development team end up reaching the sprint goal.
  • The duty of a Scrum Master is to solve the problems of team members. A scrum master is like a backbone and without his presence, there is no way that the team stays composed.

A scrum master is a leader and he executes his duties well

Scrum master is a full-time job because he has to do a lot of duties. All the people who are saying that being a scrum master is a part-time job do not know how many responsibilities he is handling. A scrum master acts as a leader for his team. He is that person who does not leave the things on his team, instead, he makes sure that he asks his team, what can he do so the teamwork can be made more productive. A scrum master does not just play his position, he makes sure that he also plays the leader, the teammate, and observer role as well. He doesn’t just stand beside his team, he stands inside his team and he helps them all to complete the task assigned to them.

It is because of the scrum master that everyone in an organization has a focused mindset.  Being a student of agilescrumcertification, a scrum master knows that it is his duty to form the team and then to manage it.

It is the responsibility of a scrum master to resolve the conflicts within the team at every level. If the team is productive in an organisation then it is because of the collective efforts of team members and a scrum master. Without a scrum master, an Organisation cannot work and for a scrum master to work productively, it is important that he works in a full-time position.  Being a scrum master is a full-time job and his duties cannot be performed part-time.

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