7 Best Books For Florist To Increase The Knowledge Of Flowers

7 Best Books for Florist to increase the knowledge of Flowers

Flowers are much more than their fragrance and beauty. The global floral industry is rich and has always had a diverse market. There are so many things to learn like how different flowers are grown, how many sub families every flower type has and many more. All these are very fascinating and are also a pretty big task. There are over 365000 flowering plant species in the world whole and plenty of new species are also discovered every year. So if you are keen to be a florist or are eager to increase your knowledge of flowers you are at the right place.

We are here with some best books that would help you satiate your curiosity and definitely increase your knowledge of flowers.

  1. Handpicked

This book is a lovely guide to make amazing floral arrangements at home. It is written by a Brooklyn based renowned florist named Ingrid Carozzi. The main theme of the book is simple, sustainable and seasonal flower arrangements. This book presents simple and step by step instructions on how to cut measure and place each bloom to make different types of floral arrangements and it illustrates some 35 arrangements. Buy birthday flowers online for your friends and relatives and wish them a very happy birthday through stunning flowers.

  1. Flowers for Algernon

This book is written by Daniel Keyes which is a story about a mentally disabled man who did an experimental quest for intelligence mirrors that of Algernon and an extraordinary lab mouse. Charlie tells on the diary entries that how a brain operation increases his IQ and changes his life. The experiment gradually makes him genius but intelligence comes with a price and he learns that people he’s known for years are not what and how he had always thought. This book looks at so many different things like human nature, mental disabilities, intelligence and Love.

  1. Cool Flowers

This book is lavishly illustrated and is filled with amazing techniques of growing flowers that can thrive in cool conditions. This book has been written by Lisa Mason Ziegler. The book lists 30 long lasting flowers of spring garden. The main theme of the book is How to grow and enjoy long blooming hardy annual blooms using cool weather techniques. This is a small but solid book as it has a nice list if flowers that can be seeded in fall and early spring to get kick start on harvesting seasonal blooms. You can find various floristry books online and gift them to your florist friends and other people who love to know various facts about flowers.

  1. The Bee friendly Garden

This book is written by an award winning garden designer Kate Frey and bee expert Gretchen LeBuhn. The book briefs you with everything you need to know to create a dazzling garden that would also help the threatened honey and native bees. It doesn’t matter how small or large space you have or where you live city, suburbs or country, this book has a wonderful garden idea for all the places. With some simple changes in your garden we can fight the effects of colony collapse disorder and help in increase in bee population that has declined worldwide and threatened our global food chain. Through this you will get to know about so many personal benefits of have a Bee garden. You can also get best floral design books online and learn new floral arts through it.

  1. The Flower Workshop

This book is written by Arielle Chezar and Julie Michaels. The book is beautifully illustrated with colorful photographs and the book is a guide on how to make over 45 beautiful and diverse floral arrangements. These stunning floral projects with simple ad spectacular equips will skill you to customize the wonderful floral arrangements at home. This book teaches you skills to personalize flower combinations at home. The centre theme of the book is lessons in arranging blooms, fruits, braches and foraged materials. There are so many books that are the beginner’s guide to floristry that every florist should go through for deep insights on flowers.

  1. Vintage Roses

This book is written by Jane Eastoe and Georgianna Lane with the subject enduring and classic Flowers. The book has variety of roses, ranging from original old roses to the ones that have been grown over the last two decades. The main theme of the book is beautiful varieties for home and garden. With the techniques in the book you can transform you home into homage of beautiful and wonderful flower arrangements.  Order from our online gift a flower gift for her by choosing a perfect flower gift from thousands of options.

  1. The Reason for Flowers

This book is written by Stephen Buchmann which is an elaborative display of the botany, history, ecology and meaning of flowers. The main theme of the book is their history, culture, biology and how they change our lives. It also states the importance of flowers in our human civilization with his fascinating anecdotes. There are modest numbers of photographs included in the book so the information is more accessible. Order gifts online for your near and dear ones and surprise them with these lovely gifts on important occasions.

These are some of the best books that florists should read to increase their knowledge of flowers.

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