What You Should Know About Health After Retirement

health Retirement

When you retire, your health is incredibly important, especially so since you may be more susceptible to certain health issues as you age. If you are coming up for retirement or know someone, here is everything you need to know about what you can do to look after your health in retirement and the threats that might be made to your health.

How can you maintain your health when you retire?

  • Although exercise might be more effort than it was in your youth, you should still make sure that you should still get over two and a half hours of exercise a week once you reach 65. This does not always have to be strenuous, though, and you may swap running and weight training for moderate exercises such as walking or even gardening. Swimming is also a good option for older people as it puts less pressure on your muscle-skeletal structure.
  • As you get older, you cannot ignore the nutrition content of every food that you eat. Instead, you need to make sure that you look after your brain, heart, and body by eating the right food. For instance, you should make sure that you get your five a day, consume a small amount of dairy, and avoid foods that are high in sodium and empty calories.
  • Although it can be easy to recede into the comfort of your home, you must be able to maintain your social life, even as you get older. This will enable you to keep your mind active while also giving you a reason to enjoy life and get out of the house. If you do not have a wide social circle or many family members living nearby, you should consider joining a social group or class that caters to older people, such as a book group, walking club, or even a community theatre, which you can get involved in.
  • You should also make sure that you get vaccinated annually for the infectious diseases that most commonly affect older adults’ health. These vaccinations include the flu shot, which is important to get during the winter since flu can affect older people much more than those who still have youth on their side.
  • You should also make sure that you stop any unhealthy habits which may be impacting your general wellbeing and susceptibility to many of the most common health conditions in older people, such as drinking too much alcohol and smoking regularly. This will help you to limit your risk factors for certain health issues, like cancer.

What help can you get when you are struggling with health?

  • If you or a loved one is starting to struggle with their health and can no longer be fully independent, you should consider the advantages of seeking out assisted living Houston. By doing this, you will be able to get the 24/7 care that you need, ensure that all of your medicine can be given to you correctly, and make sure that you can enjoy the golden years of your life in a luxury facility.
  • You might also consider getting at-home care either from a loved one or from a medical service. Whether you or a loved one needs a nurse or simply some company, many services can be arranged to protect your health, such as meal delivery. You may also consider moving in with a loved one, such as one of your adult children, to make sure that you can stay healthy for longer.
  • However, before you take either of these steps, you should first contact your doctor. They are on the front line of treatment and will be able to give you the solutions that you need to cope with your condition and prevent your symptoms from going untreated and even worsening. It would be best if you also visited specialist opticians and dental facilities for issues with your eyesight and teeth, with blindness and tooth decay threatening your wellbeing as you get older.
  • The most important thing to do is to not suffer in silence and think you are a burden, there will always be someone to talk to about your concerns.

What are the most common conditions in people over 60?

  • One condition that most people over 60 are likely to experience is osteo or rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis refers to joint pain and can leave you unable to carry out normal daily tasks due to immobility in areas such as your hands and feet.
  • A condition that could be fatal for the over 60s is coronary heart disease, which you mare more at risk of if you have a history of high cholesterol, if you have diabetes or if you smoke. Around 665,000 Americans die of heart disease every year, which amounts to a quarter of deaths, and so this is something that you need to be aware of and that you should take steps to prevent, such as eating a healthy diet.
  • However, it is not only physical conditions that you are at risk of but also cognitive issues such as dementia, which leads to memory loss and a change in your thinking and reasoning.
  • The rates of depression and other mental health issues are also steadily increasing in older people, especially due to loneliness, with 19 million Americans having depression in any one year. If you believe that you have one of these conditions, you should consider going to a doctor. They may be able to prescribe you medication and send you to a counselor, who can help you talk through your emotions in a safe environment.
  • The over 60s are also more susceptible to many types of cancer. To prevent this, you should make sure that you attend any screenings offered to you, such as breast and cervical screenings for women and prostate examinations for men. You should also know the most recognizable symptoms that you need to be aware of. This will allow you to catch any signs that you have early so that your treatment can be effective.

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